Redaksi Maruah mendedahkan:

Pengaruh Syiah Di Institut Pengajian Tinggi Malaysia


Nota dari Pemilik Lelaman
(click here for English translation)

Syukur juga kepada Allah yang tidak terhingga atas taufiq dan hidayah-Nya kepada kita semua. Semuanya adalah dengan izin Allah dan kita terus bermohon agar Allah terus melindungi kita dari mara bencana kesesatan syiah ini.

Kepada jabatan-jabatan kerajaan, maruah mengucapkan penghargaan yg tidak terhingga di atas perhatian dan kerjasama sehingga isu ini dapat ditangani sepenuhnya demi keselamatan ummah dan negara.

Kepada kakitangan ISTAC, maruah mengucapkan terima kasih di atas kerjasama dan profesionalisma bagi menangani isu kesesatan ini. Semoga anda semua diberkati Allah swt.

Kepada Sdr Saiyad Nizamuddin Ahmad dan teman-temannya, lihatlah alam ini dengan mata hati. Kehinaan yang Sdr alami adalah kehinaan yang Sdr pilih sebelum kehinaan yang kekal abadi di akhirat nanti. Sdr terlalu rendah untuk memikul amanah Al-Qur'an dan Hadis yang selalu Sdr perdengarkan kepada pelajar Sdr. Renunglah ke dalam diri Sdr bahawa kegelapan yang Sdr impikan sememangnya akan menutup diri Sdr sendiri di dunia sehinggalah ke akhirat. Maruah bersyukur kerana kehinaan Sdr telah dibongkar oleh Allah sehingga semua manusia dapat melihatnya. Sebenarnya Sdr sudah tidak berpakaian lagi walaupun dengan seutas benang. Rasailah kehinaan malu ini sebagai suatu rahmat di dunia sebelum Sdr berpindah ke akhirat.

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A Note From Website Owner

Praises to Allah Who granted us success in the form of His tawfiq and His guidance since nothing is possible without the will of Allah. We shall continue to ask Him to keep us away from all kinds of untrue Shiite teachings. Thanks also to the governmental bodies involved in this case which had taken this matter seriously enough to take the actions which deemed necessary to them, in the interest of this country and the whole ummah.

To the ISTAC staff we also convey our warmest thanks for their cooperation, sense of professionalism and moral support which had helped us a lot to overcome the state of confusion we were facing.

To Brother Saiyad Nizamuddin Ahmad and his fellows, we want to give some last piece of advice: Look at this world with the eyes of your hearts, not your self-centered minds.

The public humiliation that you are facing now in this world is only a warning of a far greater humiliation you could face in the Hereafter. You were not worthy of keeping the trust of the Quran and the Sunnah that you had been granted or that you had been so eager to bear, in your arrogance and deceitful feeling of worthiness. How could you teach something to your students which you yourself were too arrogant to respect and follow, blinded in wishful self-deceit?

Contemplate a little, Brother, contemplate and realize this complete darkness that surrounds you, that has filled up your heart and blinded your soul. And if until the end of this life of yours, then also in the life to come.

We are thankful to God Almighty that your own moral unworthiness, the whole extent of your 'ayb had been revealed by Allah Himself which allowed everybody involved to see it, for you youself disclosed it with you own actions and reactions.

No matter how careful you dress up each one of your mornings, you will still be standing naked and uncovered before the crowd.

So then taste this bitter feeling of shame and exposedness that you have to experience now and realize that it is but a sign of God's mercy in this world, as a bitter lesson to learn in this life before being deported to the next where no lessons will be learned anymore but only open bills to pay.

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